Our Services

RemoteFocus offers a holistic approach to healthcare, delivering services that bridge the gap between patients and the medical care they need. Our comprehensive offerings ensure that individuals have access to the support and management required for a variety of health conditions, from the comfort of their homes or any location.

Through the use of innovative solutions, we enable a seamless healthcare experience that encompasses timely care, continuous health oversight, and the facilitation of necessary medical consultations and interventions. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for our clients by providing integrated care services tailored to meet their unique health needs.

Home Care


Managing chronic conditions can be challenging and time-consuming, which is why we offer convenient and accessible Telehealth services. With our virtual care options, patients can receive quality medical care from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for travel and reducing the risk of exposure to illnesses. This includes virtual visits, remote patient monitoring, DME allocation, care coordination, specialist referrals, in-home labs and imaging, and medication management.

Home Care

Chronic Care Management

Managing chronic conditions can be challenging and time-consuming, which is why we offer convenient and accessible Telehealth services. With our virtual care options, patients can receive quality medical care from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for travel and reducing the risk of exposure to illnesses. This includes virtual visits, remote patient monitoring, DME allocation, care coordination, specialist referrals, in-home labs and imaging, and medication management.

Home Care

Remote Patient Monitoring

Our team of experienced physicians and healthcare professionals are dedicated to help patients manage chronic conditions, and improve overall health and well-being. We use the latest technology and techniques to monitor your health remotely (with blood pressure monitors, digital scales, and other condition-specific devices), making it easier for you to stay on top of your health without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

Home Care

Virtual Urgent Care

Our virtual urgent care services offer immediate access to medical attention from the comfort of your home. Whether it’s a sudden illness or minor injury, our experienced healthcare providers are available for secure video consultations, providing timely assessments, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations. Say goodbye to long waits and travel hassles – with virtual urgent care, quality medical assistance is just a click away, ensuring peace of mind and effective care whenever you need it most.

Home Care

Medical Device Review & Approval (DME)

The RemoteFocus team works closely with our DME partners to ensure that the devices we recommend and deliver to our patients are safe, effective, and meet their specific needs.  We are able to quickly and efficiently provide equipment such as canes, rollators, bed rails, glucose test strips, and other essentials when a patient has a request. We are here to help, and tailor everything to each patient’s condition and specific needs.

Home Care

Prescription Review & Approval

Our team of RemoteFocus clinicians carefully review and approve all prescriptions to ensure that they are safe and appropriate for each individual patient. We are able to assist with medication adherence, refills, and ongoing education.  This not only helps to prevent potential drug interactions or adverse effects, but it also ensures that patients are receiving the most effective treatment for their condition.

Home Care

Lab Order Review

We carefully review all lab orders to ensure accuracy and relevance to each patient’s specific needs (after picking up the samples in the patient home). We use the latest technology and protocols to analyze lab results, and provide timely and accurate feedback to our patients, their primary care physicians, and our agency partners.  With our lab order review services, we aim to identify any potential issues or abnormalities in lab results, allowing for early detection and intervention.

Home Care

Imaging Review

Our imaging review services employ state-of-the-art technology and expertise to meticulously analyze medical images, including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds. Led by specialized radiologists and healthcare professionals, our team ensures accurate interpretation and detailed insights into patients’ health conditions. Trust in our commitment to quality and precision for reliable results that support your journey to improved health.